WebAssembly Experiment

Read the blog post about this experiment.  Desktop users can hover over different input options to learn more.

Mobile users can tap here to read more about what the different input options do below.
  • Min zoom: The most zoomed out level, where the test will start
  • Max zoom: The most zoomed in level, where the test will end
  • Runs: How many iterations going from minZoom to maxZoom
  • Max pans per zoom: How many times the map will pan in any direction at the same zoom level. Only is involved if all markers are not already clustered at the given zoom level
  • Submit results: If checked, your test results will be sent to a database to draw aggregated graphs for different browsers and OS's. No personal information is involved at all.
  • Save results locally: Save the results of this test locally in this device's browser, so you can view results of multiple tests in aggregate.
  • Grid size: How many pixels make up the length and width of each clusters area
  • Synchronize maps: Moving one map will cause the other map to follow
  • Show rendering indicator: This enables a javascript-animated rainbow-slider that demonstrates when heavy computation is occuring on the main thread. The element will stop moving or stutter when this happens.

Automated Test Settings

Map Settings


  • Speed comparison...waiting
  • Clustering time (ms): ...waiting
  • Worst time (ms): 0
Map state
  • Clusters created: 0
  • Markers clustered: 0
  • Zoom: 8
  • Center lat: 43.6358644
  • Center lng: -79.4673894
Clicked cluster details


  • Speed comparison...waiting
  • Clustering time (ms): ...waiting
  • Worst time (ms): 0
Map state
  • Clusters created: 0
  • Markers clustered: 0
  • Zoom: 8
  • Center lat: 43.6358644
  • Center lng: -79.4673894
Clicked cluster details